Monday, July 8, 2013

Prayer Request from Colombia

I remember reading in a Colombian newspaper that thieves had dressed up as nuns and would talk to people on the street about God while their partners would pick the pockets of their unsuspecting victims. If you can't trust a nun, who can you trust? Today's prayer request is somewhat related to that newspaper article. How can you share the gospel with people who think you are out to rob them?

PA OF COLOMBIA (pah) - One of the strong cultural barriers to the advancement of the Gospel among the Pa people is the lack of trust. No one trusts anyone else. They don't trust politicians, neighbors, or even most family members. One of the greatest needs at this time in church planting among the Pa people is that of leadership, but what can be done if the believers do not trust one another? The Gospel needs to impact this area of their culture so that this people group, numbering more than 50,000, can hear the Good News. Pray that God will give wisdom to national missionaries H and D in dealing with this cultural issue. Ask Him to break down this cultural barrier.

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