Saturday, September 7, 2013

Pray for Colombia's College Students

College was a big transition time for me. I learned many new things to prepare me for a career, I don't deeper into the Bible, and my life was totally changed when I married my sweetheart, Hannah. I owe much to older believers who invested in me during that time. In Colombia, missionaries are investing in college students with the gospel. Pray with me that this semester would be fruitful and that thegospel would advance.
CAFE (COLOMBIAS FORGOTTEN ETHNOS) PEOPLES (cah-FAY ) "The ministry with indigenous university students is beginning a new semester," writes Team CAFE. "Each semester brings with it new opportunities to share God's love and His message of salvation with new students and with students who have known us for several semesters. Please pray that the peace of God will be evident not only in the student center building, but also in the lives of each of the members of our team who will be ministering to the students. Pray for us to have discernment regarding the hearts and needs of these students and the wisdom to know how best to share the Gospel message and minister to their needs. We ask you to pray specifically for the new team members who will be joining our team this semester. May they adapt quickly to the ministry and be readily accepted by the students."

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