Friday, May 7, 2010

Book Review: Father Fiction

I've recently been accepted into the ChristianAudio Reviewer's Program to download some audiobooks, listen to them, and write a short review. Here are my thoughts on Donald Miller's book, Father Fiction.
Donald Miller is a rare gem. His storytelling prowess makes for a very compelling, though short, book containing the reflections of a guy trying to discover the essence of manhood. Do not be decieved: although this book deals greatly with the challenges of growing up without a father in the home, it is an encouraging and thought-provoking book for both men and women, regardless of whether or not they grew up with a distant father, emotionally or physically.

His book acts as a pseudo-autobiography, but it is arranged topically, with his own commentary on various themes and issues related to manliness, a healthy work ethic, and the beauty of God's creation. At one point he mentions that he fell in love with the concept of metaphor, and it is a love relationship he has developed over time, making comparisons in poetic language that amazes.

His reflections on life are encouraging and challenging; it feels like he's trying to break you out of the status quo in a way that makes you want to, instead of making you feel ashamed or judged. This book has something for everybody. It will encourage and inspire, as well as hug you and hold you. My wife began listening to it the other day and she said she almost cried at a few points. And that honor belongs both to the book and the narrator. It is hard to believe that the narrator isn't the author, because he reads it in such a way as to imply that he were familiar with it through direct experience. Every sentence feels like it should be read the way the narrator says it. And that's what this narrator does. He gives the text personality, or better yet, he reads the personality embedded in the text.

To buy the audiobook, visit (direct link to book information).

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