Sunday, August 8, 2010

Christian History Lectures

The following are audio files from course lectures given at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary by Michael A. G. Haykin and a PhD. student, Joe Harrod. They were recorded and placed online with their permission. The lectures cover Saturday, August 7, through Wednesday, August 11, 2010. There was no recording of Friday's lectures. 

Course Description: This in-depth study of the theological and literary history of the Patristic and the early MediƦval Church takes the student from the end of the Apostolic era (c.100 A.D.) up to the response of John of Damascus to Islam in the mid-eighth century. Special attention is given to the development of the doctrine of the Trinity, the relationship of church and culture, and Christian spirituality. 

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Danny Hyde said...


Thank you for these. I downloaded the lecture on Islam and as it downloaded it said it was part 1. Is there another part as Dr Haykin never got into John of Damascus' response to Islam.


Danny Hyde

Wencl said...


No, I labeled all the lectures with 01 at the end (or 02 if there was a second part). The post lists all the lectures that were recorded, the only ones missing are Friday's lectures, since I didn't have the recorder with me on that day.

Sukesh said...

Hello Andrew,

I am a pastor in Nairobi Kenya with a massive passion for early church history. We don't get good books and materials out here. These messages look good, have downloaded them and will listen to them. If you know of other good lectures on church history (any period) that I can use for my own benefit and for the Kenyan brothers here please let me know.

May the Lord bless you brother.


Wencl said...


Michael Haykin has more lectures available at

He has links to other lectures on that page as well.