Friday, April 15, 2011

Pray for the Pa!

Yesterday on Today's Prayer I saw another prayer request for Colombia. I got excited because I saw it was about the Pa people again (click here for my previous post)! We are very happy to see people open up to God and ask about how they can learn more about Him, so it is very encouraging to see it going on in Colombia as well. Praise the Lord!

PA OF COLOMBIA (pah). Thank you for the prayers for the Pa people of Colombia, asking that the Lord would call out leaders from among the group of new Christians. Several of these new believers have expressed a desire to begin to share the Gospel with others and are actually doing just that. Pray that these new leaders-in-formation will be faithful to share Christ in a clear and effective manner. Also, two new families have asked to begin chronological Bible storying in their homes. Pray that they will hear, understand and respond to the Gospel as it is revealed through the stories. Thank the Lord for national missionaries H and D and their faithfulness to share the Gospel with the Pa people. Pray for the ongoing health needs of this family and for their ability to hear and follow God's direction concerning their overloaded work schedule, family needs, and personal time with the Lord.

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