Friday, May 20, 2011

Pray for Short-Termers Going to Colombia

Three prayer requests coming out of Colombia in a week? I guess that means something is definitely happening there. Anyone who's been on a short-term mission trip to a remote area knows that parasites, bugs, and inconvenience happens. Please lift up the college students, national missionaries, and other team members as they make inroads into a a community that needs to hear the life-giving gospel.
PA OF COLOMBIA (pah). A team of four college students from a church in Texas will be in Colombia on May 22-31 to work alongside H and D, Colombian missionaries to the Pa people, and three Colombian team members. The volunteer team will teach English in several different locations and hold a type of Vacation Bible School in the afternoons in two different villages. Pray for safety and physical health for all the participants. This area of the country is very cold, and there are difficult health conditions. Pray that this team will have a godly impact on the community and towards the work of the national missionaries that will lead to an open door for the Gospel message to be received. Pray for the daily activities: teaching times, logistics of coming and going, team unity, and the reception of the Pa children and adults who participate.
For this and more prayer requests, check out Today's Prayer on the International Mission Board's website.

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