Thursday, June 2, 2011

Praise for Growth Among the Pa!

We have another request coming out of Colombia about the Pa people. It seems that this group is the source of most of the prayer requests I'm getting through Today's Prayer. Praise God for growth as more and more people come to saving faith in Christ. Pray for God to raise up new leaders to serve in the ministry as well.

PA OF COLOMBIA (pah). The national missionaries who work with the Pa of Colombia are thanking God that a large room has been rented in which they can hold the combined service once a month for the three house churches, along with new believers and visitors. Praise the Lord for the growth of these three house churches and for the four potential groups that are starting. There are now more people asking to study God's Word than there is time for H and D to teach the Word! They have added new groups to the point that they are now meeting with two different groups each day of the week. Pray that the leaders will develop quickly and/or that God will raise up new people.

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