Monday, July 1, 2013

Anselm of Canterbury (Christian Biographies for Young Readers)

Anselm of Canterbury (Christian Biographies for Young Readers). By Simonetta Carr. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Reformation Heritage Books. pp. 64. 2013. (List Price $18.00 Hardcover)

4.5 Stars out of 5
Simonetta Carr's history series, Christian Biographies for Young Readers, is primarily about telling a story. To capture the attention of children aged 7 to 12 with the written word requires a compelling story, and this entry in the series is compelling.

Anselm’s story is fascinating both because of the details of his life, from early childhood conflicts with his father to his years as an archbishop in conflict with the King of England. Anselm lived during the Middle Ages, a time that is usually associated with spiritual darkness and superstition, yet he stands out as a reminder that God has always had faithful followers throughout the history of the Church. It is refreshing to learn about an often-neglected period of history, and given my lack of prior knowledge, a children’s book is an encouraging way for parents and kids to learn something new.

Prior to reading this book, all I knew about Anselm of Canterbury was that he lived in England, and that’s only because I know where Canterbury is. Yet that's not where he grew up, and his experiences as a young man, and later as a monk and bishop, touch on themes that most kids can identify with. The illustrations help carry the story along and stimulate the desire to keep reading almost as much as the story itself.

The target audience of this book is children aged 7 to 12, although the younger side of that range may appreciate mommy or daddy reading it to them instead of doing it by themselves. Even as an adult, I thoroughly enjoyed the story and wanted to know more after I was done. I recommend it.

I received this book in exchange for a candid review. The opinions expressed are my own.

1 comment:

Shaun Tabatt said...


Glad to have you in another blog tour. Even though these books are for kids, I like them as much as my kids do. ;-)

Shaun Tabatt
Cross Focused Reviews