Saturday, July 30, 2011

Personal Update and Prayer Request

It's been over a month since we last received an update from the missionaries working with the Pa people group in Colombia. They seem to be struggling with many of the same issues we face in our ministry: the need for more leadership. Though I've announced it to a few people already, today I will officially announce to my church that I will be permanently leaving the leadership of the music ministry to free up my time for leading small group discipleship. The need for spiritual growth is great, as is the need for more qualified leaders.

God has blessed me in a ministry that I didn't feel called to or qualified for. I pray that His blessing would increase all the more in this new venture of discipleship and small group studies. Please pray for me, but also remember to pray for the Pa. Praise God for the growth, but also pray for more qualified workers, "men who will be able to teach others also" (2 Timothy 2:2, ESV).

PA OF COLOMBIA (pah). The Pa People Team asks you to pray for and with them that God will call faithful men who are willing and available to share Christ with others of this indigenous community. The work is growing quickly, and there is an extreme shortage of leadership. Pray that the Colombian missionaries working with this people group will be sensitive to God's leadership in the lives of the new Christians and will be faithful to teach and train them to teach and train others.

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