Monday, February 6, 2012

Visual Genesis

This is part one of a short summary of the Bible.

Genesis. God creates. In six days He created all that exists. In one day, man fell into temptation, seeking to usurp the place of God over their lives.

So begins the deadly cycle of sin and death that reigns in humanity, a continuing byproduct of Adam's sin. God destroys His creation but saves a remnant. Out of this remnant he choses a man for Himself and promises to bless the nations through his offspring.

Abraham and his descendents show moments of great faith and unwarranted doubt. Deception lies deep within their hearts. But God shows time and again that He is faithful and will fulfill His promises. He turns Jacob into a believer and sets the stage for his twelve sons to become the progenitors of a great nation, saving them from famine by His miraculous working in and through their sinful choices to bring them into Egypt...

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