Tuesday, October 16, 2012

National Missionaries and the Ar People

I praise God for national missionaries. He has seen fit to call all His servants to participate in the great task of sharing the gospel, not just the select few who received special training, studied a foreign language, or who are more outgoing. All of us are part of this task. National missionaries remind me that I am just a small part of an even greater whole. As I hear more and more about missionaries from other countries, I get to rejoice that Christianity is not limited to an “American” expression. God is bringing in people from “all nations, tribes, and tongues.”

In Colombia, cross-cultural evangelism is going on as a national missionary takes some of the Ar people through the narrative of the Bible, building up to the glorious good news about Jesus Christ. Pray for his effectiveness and perseverance as he brings the message to some who have never heard.

AR OF COLOMBIA (ahr) - National missionary J continues to make monthly trips to the village of P to share the evangelistic Bible stories. The number of people who are participating in the chronological Bible storying times has grown to 18. As a result, J has divided the group into two sessions, and he is teaching in the morning and in the afternoon. Pray that the Word of God will be clearly understood and that it will bear fruit in the lives of those participating in these storying times.

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